Creative Container Housing: CBOX’s Breakthrough 3-Story Hotel in Indonesia

When people hear “container house,” they often think of practical structures like dormitories, offices, or temporary disaster relief shelters. These applications have become synonymous with container housing due to their functionality, ease of construction, and affordability. At Guangdong Cbox Co., Ltd. (CBOX), we’ve excelled in these areas, providing durable and efficient container solutions to clients worldwide. However, container houses are not limited to these conventional roles. CBOX recently demonstrated this by completing a pioneering project: a three-story container hotel in Indonesia, crafted entirely from detachable container houses.

Expanding the Horizons of Container Housing

The utility of container houses in temporary and functional spaces is well established. CBOX has been a leader in supplying container dormitories, offices, and emergency shelters that meet stringent quality standards and customer needs. Our expertise has been built over years of handling diverse projects, where we’ve helped clients overcome various logistical and structural challenges. This deep understanding of container housing allowed us to push the boundaries and explore new possibilities beyond the traditional applications.

In 2024, we took on an exciting challenge—a project that would redefine how people perceive container architecture. Instead of the usual applications, we aimed to showcase the potential of containers in hospitality by constructing a multi-story hotel. This project was not just about building a structure but about pioneering a new direction for container housing, one that combines luxury, innovation, and sustainability.

Project Spotlight: Indonesia 3-Story Container Hotel

The Indonesia 3 Story Container Hotel is a landmark project for CBOX. It stands as a testament to what can be achieved when creativity and technical expertise come together. The project involved the construction of a three-story hotel using 102 detachable container houses. Each unit was meticulously designed and manufactured to ensure that the hotel met the highest standards of comfort, safety, and aesthetic appeal.

This hotel’s modular design allows for efficient use of space while providing all the amenities expected of a modern hospitality establishment. The detachable container houses used in this project are not only easy to assemble but also customizable in terms of size, color, and interior layout. This flexibility allowed us to create a structure that is both functional and visually striking, fitting seamlessly into the hotel’s environment.

The Advantages of Detachable Container Housing

One of the key features of this project is the use of detachable container houses. These units are designed for ease of transport and assembly, making them ideal for large-scale projects like hotels, camps, worker dormitories. With the ability to load up to 17 units in a single 40 HQ container, the logistical efficiency is unmatched. Additionally, the installation process is straightforward, requiring no heavy machinery such as cranes, which significantly reduces construction time and costs.

The detachable container houses used in the hotel are equipped with double-glazed UPVC windows, providing excellent insulation and energy efficiency. The structures are reinforced with galvanized steel, ensuring durability and resistance to corrosion. These features, combined with customizable design options, make detachable container houses a versatile and sustainable choice for modern construction projects.

Setting a New Standard in Hospitality

The completion of the Indonesia 3 Story Container Hotel represents a significant milestone not only for CBOX but for the container housing industry as a whole. This project illustrates how container houses can transcend their traditional uses, offering innovative solutions for the hospitality sector. By combining the practicality of modular construction with the demands of luxury and comfort, CBOX has set a new standard for what container houses can achieve.

This project also highlights our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Every detail, from the initial design to the final installation, was carefully managed to ensure that the hotel met the highest international standards. Our team’s expertise in handling large-scale projects, coupled with our dedication to innovation, made this hotel a reality.


As container housing continues to evolve, CBOX is leading the way with projects that challenge the status quo and explore new possibilities. The Indonesia 3 Story Container Hotel is more than just a building—it’s a vision of what the future of container housing can be. Whether for traditional applications like dormitories and offices or groundbreaking projects like multi-story hotels, CBOX has the experience and capability to deliver exceptional results.

If you’re considering a container house project, whether it’s a standard build or something more ambitious, CBOX is ready to help you bring your vision to life. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your next project.


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